FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
1. What happens after I declare a disability/learning support need (difficulty) on my application form?
The Disability/Student Support Office (SSO) will contact students to arrange a Needs Assessment (NA) meeting. At this meeting the student’s support needs are discussed and evidence of disability/learning support need are collected from the student.
If a student has a high support need (physical disability or serious medical condition requiring support staff or transport), please apply early, giving as much information as possible on the application form.
2. I had an SNA in School. Does this mean I will automatically have one in college?
No, school and Further Education FE have different ways of supporting students. In Further Education we have support staff (these various staff roles are not the same as SNAs). Generally, support staff are for students with physical difficulties. A lot of students that had SNA support in school do not want or require the same level of support in FE. This issue will be discussed at the NA meeting, please let us know any concerns you have.
3. I had resource hours in school and think I need this again in college. Is it available?
The are two main type of learning support in college:
Assistant Psychologist Support: which is a holistic service that supports students’ overall college journey. These sessions focus on promoting skills in the following areas: study, organisational, social and well-being. This service is available to student with a diagnosed difficulty through the SSO.
Learning Support: which offer academic support; students generally use this service for help with all aspects of completing assignments and general learning. This is a drop in service available to all students, there is no need to book or have a diagnosed difficulty.
4. I had help in secondary school but I have no evidence of disability/learning support need (reports, etc.). Can I still get support in college?
Please declare on your application form that you have a learning support need and this will be discussed at the NA meeting.
5. I had a spelling and grammar waiver in my exams. Can I avail of a spelling and grammar waiver in my college assignments?
Spelling and grammar waivers are given for exam situations but not for assignments. You can use the spell and grammar check on your computer. You can also get assistance with proofreading at home or during your learning support sessions.
6. The only support I want in college is examination accommodations. Do I still need to declare this on my application form?
Yes, you must declare this on the application form and after the NA meeting it will be noted that this is the only support you require.
7. I am not sure if I declared a disability/learning support on my application form and I have not received any contact from the SSO, can I contact them directly?
Yes, you can make direct contact with the SSO any time, see contact details on the Student Support Home page
8. If I start using learning support can I decide during the year that I no longer need it?
Yes, if this happens please email the SSO or your Learning Support Tutor and let them know your decision.
9. I am a parent of a student that has declared a disability/learning difficulty and I want to be kept informed of my son/daughter’s progress
Students in FE colleges are adults and so communication from the college will be directly with the student. The guide for Students with Disability and Learning Difficulties explains how parent can assist students during the academic year.
10. My parents have registered me for support, but I do not want to engage with services in the college. What can I do?
It is up to each student to discuss supports that they wish to accept. If you do not want to engage with supports, email the SSO and say you do not want any further contact.